An ode to apples


Domaine neige

Showcasing a selection of products and the passion that drives the owners.


Facilitate the expansion

Domaine neige is behind Neige, the first ice cider marketed in the world. Available in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia, the client wanted a website that could help him to grow with its increasing international customer base.


An evolving web platform

The solution meets the needs of La Face Cachée de la Pomme while giving the company the flexibility to adapt promptly to emerging business opportunities.

Showcase the products while creating a rich environment which promotes discoveries.

Follow and lead

Alternative menu

This menu, which supports the user while he browses, highlights some specific sections of the website depending on the season.

A love story

Company history

The true personality of La Face Cachée de la Pomme emerges from a chronological timeline that illustrates some of the most important milestones in it's history.